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This article covers the ideas for How to turn a woman, how to make her want you?

It’s tough to make an impression. In a nightclub, it can feel sleazy; on a date, it’s hard to avoid awkwardness. So what can men to do to turn women on and leave them lustfully craving more? Here are of 5 ideas that only a woman with ice in her veins could ignore.

##Bold Banter##

***What I Mean: A little playful teasing can be the hugest turn on. Women don’t like to be agreed with about everything we say (no matter what you’ve heard!).

***Why It Works: Some titillating but harmless arguing allows the man to push the woman’s buttons and vice versa. The power struggle heats up the sexual tension and draws you two together. I mean, what’s more intimate than a lovers' quarrel?

A word of warning, there is a big difference between teasing a woman about being lost in your eyes and about her weight. Don’t be a jerk; just don’t be a pushover either.

Women say they hate to be told what to do, but it can actually be quite arousing. It’s a sexy challenge. You tell her she’ll be tearing your clothes off later; she can’t help but picture that image – even if she denies it. You think the lady doth protest too much? Most likely.

##Lingering Looks##

***What I Mean: If there is some sort of group dynamic, or if you are dancing together, and you glance her way and just hold this gaze – shivers. Eyes say a lot and really sexy men know exactly how to put what they are thinking out there.

***Why It Works: It makes her feel like she is the only woman in the room. It is so hot to feel someone’s eyes on you when you know what they are thinking. Again, the sexual tension is kicked up big time.

From one look, you could leave her dying inside wondering and waiting for what the two of you can do when you actually are alone.

##Masculine Manners##

***What I Mean: Who would think politeness could be an aphrodisiac? But take my word for it, holding doors, pulling out chairs, compliments – even if she laughs them off, she’s impressed.

***Why It Works: It’s rare to be treated with respect and like a lady these days! The reason it’s so sexy is because it really calls attention to your roles as men and women. Like Ron Burgundy said to his date: “You be a woman. I’ll be a man”.

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